
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Healthy Oven Steak Fries ($0.18 per serving)

$1.18 each     73% savings     save $29.20 yearly

The other night I found myself craving a burger and fries. (Odd for me, since I'm not big on hamburgers... or fries.)  In my opinion, if you're going to have some fries, have steak fries.

These steak fries?


They are also way less expensive than any steakhouse restaurant, and of course, much healthier. Plus, they taste infinitely better than their bagged/frozen counterparts: Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, with a perfect balance of seasonings. The first time I made these, they forced me to completely re-think my unfavorable standpoint on fries.

They are a snap to prepare, and I was able to stick them in the oven and forget about them while I made the hamburgers, salad, and fruit bowl that would complete our dinner that night. My girls gobbled down their share, then started sneaking mine when my back was turned... something they learned from their dad I'm sure. No way they got it from me... Hey! Is that the President behind you?!... No? Oh, man I could have sworn it was him... What do you mean where did your chocolate go? You had chocolate?... No, that's nothing in my mouth... I have really dirty teeth... want a carrot stick? Ahem...

So, adding to their accolades: these steak fries HEALTHY and are definitely kid-approved.

Healthy Oven Steak Fries
Printable Version

*serves 6

5  large russet potatoes cut into thick wedges
2  tablespoons olive oil
1/2  teaspoon thyme
1/2  teaspoon oregano
1  tablespoon steak seasoning blend (I used Montreal Steak seasoning)
salt, black pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, crushed red pepper, and paprika to taste.

Preheat the oven to HIGH (500 degrees). Peel and cut  potatoes into thick wedges. Soak in a bowl of  water for 15 minutes. This will help your fries become crispy in the oven, and not so mushy inside. Drain the water. Put the potato wedges into a large bowl. Add the olive oil and seasonings, and stir to coat the potatoes. If NOT using a steak seasoning packet, go easy on the crushed red pepper, black pepper, and paprika, and heavier on the salt, onion powder and garlic powder.

Coat a cooking sheet with non-stick spray. (Seems redundant with the olive oil, I know, but it'll help your fries not stick to the pan. Trust me on this.)

Bake fries for 30 minutes, turning them once half-way through the cooking time. Serve immediately.

~ Savings ~

Cost Breakdown:
10 lb potatoes - $2.97 = approx. 25 potatoes = $0.119/ea = $0.595
25.5 oz. extra virgin olive oil - $5.58 = 50 T = $0.112/T = $0.223
0.62 oz. thyme leaves - $4.98 = approx. 19 tsp = $0.262/tsp = $0.131
0.75 oz oregano - $2.18 = approx. 22 tsp = $0.099/tsp = $0.050
14.5 oz montreal steak seasoning - $5.98 = 128 = $0.023/tsp = $0.070
Total Recipe Cost:  $1.07
Cost per serving:  $0.18
The Contender:
32 oz. bag Ore Ida Steak Fries: $3.99
Savings: 73%

"Over a Year" scenario:
Make 10 batches of Healthy Oven Steak Fries: $10.70
Buy 8 bags of Ore Ida Steak Fries: $39.90
*Money Saved: $29.20


  1. Love this one. It is so much more satisfying!

    1. Thanks! I hope you love it. Your sister actually shared a tip with me that I hadn't tired yet: soaking the potatoes in water for a couple hours is supposed to take out some of the starch and make them crispier when baked. :)

  2. I can hardly wait to try this love your site and am going to try several things I am recently retired due to medical problems and didn't plan on it so early in my life so it has hit me hard finacally and your site is very helpful

    1. Christy, I am happy to be helpful! I'm so glad you came across my site. :)

  3. Just found your site last night and could not wait to try out your recipes! I just happened to have a few extra taters and some steak seasoning on hand - added a little mix that included rosemary since i didnt have thyme or oregano.. Added a little extra olive oil and used the "extra" marinade for some porkchops - everything smells good! Thanks so much for such an easy recipe!

    1. Michelle, I'm so glad you found me! And the rosemary sounds yummy... you'll have to let me know how it turns out. I hope you enjoy the fries!

    2. They were delicious and my kid even loved them! We are making them again tonight- now with a dash of Italian seasoning. We also made your homemade white bread today - wow! it was so good and easy. We made a round loaf with 1/2 - after it was baked, sliced it open a bit on top and put a mix of butter and garlic - going to pop it back in the oven right before dinner.

    3. Great!!! Thanks for letting me know. I'm so happy you guys enjoyed them... and the bread!

  4. oh thanks! I make my own potato fries every week and never knew about soaking in water for 15 min..that should help :)
