
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Healthier Quarter Pounder ($1.12 each)

Ever have a craving for a nice, juicy, fast food burger? Admit it. Often or not, it happens. Those things are literally made to cause cravings. (Although if you think too long about what's actually in a fast food "burger" you may lose your craving pretty quickly... and possibly the contents of your stomach.)

Fast food companies know how to make those cravings happen. Check it out if you want to learn more (statistics are at the end of the article).

ANYWAY, railing on fast food is not my priority today.

Allow me to introduce you to the healthier, tastier, cheaper, won' quarter pounder ("er" much?):  Trust me. This thing is absolutely delicious, and you are going to love it!

- insert applause, cheering, and wolf whistles -

 $1.12 each     64% savings     save $80.90 yearly

Healthier Quarter Pounder
 Printable Version

*Makes 4 burgers

1  lb ground beef (I like 85/15 for burgers)
2  tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1/4 onion, finely diced
1 beaten egg
salt and pepper
4  toasted buns

purple onion

In a bowl, combine all the ingredients EXCEPT the salt and pepper, and mix together. Don't overwork the meat! Form into four, 1/2-inch thick patties. Lightly season the patties with salt and pepper.

Place the patties on a medium-high pre-heated griddle, skillet, or grill. Make an indentation in the middle of the patties with your thumb (thank you Bobby-Flay!) to avoid a bulge in the center. It will come back up as the burger cooks.

Turn once, cooking about 7 minutes per side for well-done burgers. (I'm not a "pink" meat fan) Don't press the burgers down with a spatula while they cook... unless you like dry burgers better than juicy ones... which isn't likely.

Serve immediately on warm, toasted buns with tomato, purple onion, lettuce, pickles, ketchup and mustard.

Wishing for the perfect fries to go with it?... Wish granted.

~ Savings ~

Cost Breakdown:
1 lb hamburger (sale price)- $2.25
10 oz. Worcestershire sauce: $1.08 = 59 tsp = $0.018/tsp = $0.108
1 medium onion - approx. $0.500 = $0.125
1 dozen eggs - $1.79 = $0.150/egg = $0.150
26 oz. salt - $0.42 = 122.75 tsp. = $0.003/tsp = $0.003
8 oz. pepper - $3.84 = 37.75 tsp. = $0.102/tsp = $0.032
12 pk. Bunny hamburger buns - $2.00 = $0.167/bun = $0.667
1 tomato $1.24/lb = approx. $0.413 ea = $0.275
1 purple onion = $0.99/lb = approx. $0.490 ea. = $0.163
1 head green-leaf lettuce = $1.28 = approx. $0.051/leaf = $0.102
16 oz. jar hamburger dill pickles - $1.75 = $0.117/serving = $0.468
64 oz. ketchup - $2.44 = $0.023/T = $0.092
16 oz. mustard - $0.84 = $0.009/T = $0.037
Total Recipe Cost: $4.47
Per Quarter Pounder: $1.12
The Contender:
McDonald's Quarter Pounder: $3.14
Savings: 64%

"Over a year" scenario:
Make Healthier Quarter Pounders recipe 10 times: $44.70
Buy 40 McDonald's Quarter Pounders: $125.60
*Money Saved: $80.90

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